Rhinoplasty to correct features of the nose

What is the purpose of a rhinoplasty?

The purpose of a rhinoplasty is to correct some features of the nose that the patient does not like. That is why it is essential to go to a first thorough consultation, where the surgeon is told exactly the parts you want to change and he must see if it is possible to get what the patient wants.

As in all cosmetic surgery is very important to see what worries the patient, if your goals are realistic and if the surgeon can achieve it. The aim is to achieve that the patient is satisfied with natural results, where the patient does not see an operated nose.

Is it possible to choose a specific nose?

It is not possible to choose a specific nose, since each patient starts with a specific nose, often very different from the one he/she wants. I think that patients who ask for this in the office are not very realistic and perhaps it is better not to operate on them.

What defects can be corrected?

What patients most frequently ask for in the office is to correct the wide tip, the droopy tip, often accentuated when laughing, the ridge or the wide nose.

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Can any patient undergo this technique?

I recommend that the patient be over 18 years of age and that he/she understands what he/she wants to change and the expected results. Those who are realistic and those who do not ask for a specific nose, such as that of a certain actress.

In order to obtain a good reputation, it is as important to operate well as in certain cases to recommend not to operate.

What does the surgery consist of?

The operation is performed under general anesthesia, usually with an overnight stay. In the surgery all the parts that have been agreed in the preparatory consultations between the patient and the surgeon are corrected.

After the operation, a splint must be worn for 7 days. Stitches are not removed, as they are absorbable and go inside.

How long does it take to see the definitive results?

The definitive results are achieved after a year, but after a month the patient knows exactly how it will look.

Is there any scarring?

There are two types of rhinoplasty: open rhinoplasty, which does leave a scar on the columellar area, and closed rhinoplasty, which leaves no scar at all. I perform almost all of them without scars.