Rhizolysis to treat cervical disc herniation

One of the most effective treatments to treat both cervical disc herniation and lumbar herniation is rhizolysis, which allows quick and painless pain relief. Dr. Prim, a specialist in Neurosurgery in Barcelona, is one of the experts in performing this technique.

Cervical disc herniation and lumbar disc herniation cause enormous pain to patients who suffer from them, so there is constant research into techniques and treatments to alleviate this pain. One very effective technique is rhizolysis. Basically, it is a minimally invasive technique for the treatment of pain, both cranial and spinal, consisting of the application of radiofrequency heat to the affected nerve root or roots. Its main objective is to eliminate or minimize lumbar pain or cervical pain in those cases in which the diagnosis, after performing the pertinent explorations, such as resonance scans, CAT scans, etc., establishes that it is not necessary to use more aggressive techniques.

Therefore, it can be applied to all patients presenting cervical, dorsal or lumbar pain resulting from degeneration of the articular facet. It is important to make a good selection of patients duly diagnosed with clinical analysis and complementary examinations, in cases where this treatment is required, its application obtains an evident improvement in a percentage that ranges between 70 and 90 percent of the cases.

One of the great advantages of rhizolysis, both lumbar and cervical, is that it does not require hospitalization of the patient (it is an outpatient technique) because what we do is apply radiofrequency in cases of pain due to disc degeneration or herniated discs, provided that there is no motor involvement and the pain suffered by the patient is due to degeneration of the vertebral joint.

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Minimal risks and immediate return to daily life after cervical disc herniation rhizolysis.

The specialists in Neurosurgery affirm that the side effects are minimal or practically null, in the selected cases in which this technique can be applied. The only thing that could happen is that an infection from the puncture or a localized hematoma may occur, but in all the patients to whom the treatment has been applied, the beneficial effects are always greater than the possible side effects. It should also be borne in mind that this is a technique that can be repeated, improving the results each time and prolonging the time of pain reduction or elimination.

Regarding the return to daily life, it should be remembered that it is a technique that does not require hospitalization and, moreover, only requires local anesthesia. In other words, the patient can be discharged and resume normal activities almost immediately.