What are the risks involved in a mammoplasty or mastopexy?

Mastopexy and mammoplasty surgery are safe techniques as long as they are performed by a qualified surgeon. However, as in any operation, indications must always be followed and there may be complications and risks.

Postoperative period after a mastopexy or mammoplasty

The days following a mastopexy is usual to find a little tired, but you can follow almost normal life at 24-48 hours. Most of the discomfort is usually softened by the medication prescribed by your doctor, although the breasts may hurt for a couple of weeks, in addition to having a burning sensation and loss of sensation in the nipples. The first menstruation after a breast pexy may cause the breasts to swell and hurt. The bandage or dressings will be removed in a few days, being replaced by a special bra to be worn in the manner indicated by your surgeon specialist in aesthetic medicine.

The stitches will be removed between 7 and 14 days and the edema does not subside completely between 3 and 6 weeks. After a mastopexy can return to work in 2 to 3 weeks, limiting intense physical activities for a few weeks. For 1 or 2 weeks it is advisable to avoid sexual intercourse to avoid swelling of the incisions; for 3 or 4 weeks avoid intense physical contact of the breasts.

On the other hand, it is normal for small crusts or a little fluid to appear through the incisions. Your surgeon will monitor you during the months following the surgery to observe the evolution.

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Risks and guarantees of mastopexy and mammoplasty

Mastopexy leaves permanent and visible scars, although they can be hidden under the bra or bikini. Scarring problems are more frequent in smokers. Occasionally, the marks may bulge or be wide, requiring in these cases a specific treatment. It should be noted that the scars are important and permanent, although the surgeon will always try, as far as possible, that they are not noticeable.

The ability to breastfeed may be affected after a mastopexy. In those patients with breast augmentation with prosthesis, the most frequent complication is capsular contracture produced when the internal scar originated around the implant contracts excessively causing the breast to harden.

Another complication, typical of any surgery, is the hematoma that only in specific cases requires a new surgery to remove the accumulated blood. In the case of the application of a prosthesis, a small percentage of women may suffer an infection around it, usually in the first weeks after surgery. At the moment, there is no evidence that breast prostheses affect fertility, pregnancy or lactation.

Results of a Mastopexy and Mammoplasty

After a breast pexy, it will take a few months for your breasts to take on their final appearance, even so, the breasts will change with normal hormonal stimuli, pregnancy or weight changes.