What is otoplasty?

Otoplasty is a surgery that aims to reconstruct or reshape the pinna. Different surgical techniques can be used depending on the deformity to be solved, ranging from simple sutures to incisions with resection of skin and cartilage. Normally the incision is made in the back of the pinna and, depending on the previous study, the shape is modified through incisions, cartilage resection and permanent stitches that fix and give the desired shape to the cartilage.

What pathologies does it solve?

The deformity of the pinna can range from total absence (anotia), lack of development (microtia) or insufficient folding of the cartilage, which moves the pinna forward and detaches it from the skull, producing the deformity that can most often be corrected as “protruding ears” or “protruding ears”.

Are there any risks?

Although it is a minimally invasive procedure in which the risk of bleeding is minimal, it is usually performed under local anesthesia and sedation or general anesthesia (if both ears are done it can take 90 to 120 min). The worst complication is postoperative infection or hematoma, as it can affect the shape of the cartilage and produce significant aesthetic defects.

What is the postoperative period like?

After the operation the patient must take antibiotics for a week, to prevent possible infections. The bandage that is made in the operating room is usually changed after 48 hours to check for bruising and is redone for a week, after which the stitches are removed from the skin. During one month the patient must wear an elastic band that keeps the pinna in the correct position while it heals.

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When can the results be seen?

The results can be seen immediately after the intervention.