Achieving a slimming diet without harming our health

What we have gained during a few months we should not try to lose in a few weeks. Our body has a series of compensation systems that must be in balance and if we want to force it by doing ultra-fast diets, unbalanced and lacking in vitamins, trace elements, etc … and other substances necessary for our body, we may encounter the consequences of this, procuring malnutrition or deficiencies etc … This is the first thing to consider when thinking about quick weight loss diets without a doctor’s prescription.

The best option is to go to a doctor who will do a medical history, examination, analysis and others to know in what state of overweight or obesity we are at that moment and to know if there is any accompanying pathology (diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia …). Thus, we can propose a suitable diet for each person according to our work, social life, but always with real perspectives and under medical supervision. It must be taken into account that the WHO recommends losing 300 to 800 grams per week in total by means of a nutritional or dietary treatment.

In any case, it is important to know that there is no balanced diet that is not based on physical exercise. We can start by walking for an hour a day as fast as we can but without preventing us from chatting and talking while we do it. Then we have to establish criteria of eating 5 times a day accommodating them with our doctor to our needs and schedules as much as possible, it is about setting a logical and balanced schedule providing at each meal, breakfast, dinner, mid-morning and afternoon snack the necessary food to be well nourished and lose weight properly. In other words, a personalized diet adapted to each one of us.

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The best treatment is the one designed to learn how to eat and not only to lose weight. It is important to keep in mind that it is very difficult, or almost impossible, to make a balanced diet with all the necessary nutrients that has less than 1200 calories without supplements and additional complements. We must flee from repetitive menus with only some or few nutrients or foods, since we deceive ourselves and what we finally lose may be part of our health. What the specialist in Nutrition and Dietetics should do is a personalized plan that teaches us to eat everything in the right amounts and with the right frequency and that, in addition, serves us during the period of time of treatment and also to have healthy lifestyle guidelines to maintain in the long term.

Snacking and hydration

Faced with the temptation to snack between meals, there are many foods that we can eat and others that we should avoid. Of course, we should avoid industrial pastries, but we can replace them with yogurt, fruits or vegetables, certain amounts of nuts (depending on our physical activity), etc… Although if we are well nourished, that is, if we follow a proper diet, we will have less tendency to need that snacking.

To hydrate ourselves, we must include in the healthy and balanced habits natural juices or isotonic drinks, and even fruit as it is. With all of this, we must be balanced, since water is what satisfies us the most and is best for our organism.