New Developments in the Treatment of Actinic Keratosis or Precancer

Dermatology specialist Dr. Pablo Umbert explains the advances in the treatment of Actinic Keratosis:

Actinic keratoses are historically known as “Pre-cancer” because of their slow progression to cutaneous carcinoma. Today we consider it an erroneous term since there are superficial malignant cells that gradually desquamate and at a certain moment invade in depth, transforming into a carcinoma that must be treated with immediacy.

It appears in uncovered areas such as the face, back of the hands, extremities or neck. They are usually plaques of between 1 to 2 centimeters that flake off and apparently disappear and reappear. Fair skin is more susceptible to this pathology. The application of moisturizing creams can be a deceptive treatment causing a masking improvement.

The way to prevent this chronic condition is with protection at times of exposure to the sun, using a hat and well-applied sunscreens. However, with longer longevity there is a greater risk of the appearance of actinic keratosis.

The latest developments in the treatment of actinic keratosis are new topical preparations, immuno-modulators and gels that induce cell death of malignant cells. There is also photodynamic treatment with the prior application of a porphyrin in which we selectively eliminate the cancerous cells. The procedure we carry out consists of selecting the best methods, individualizing them and adapting them to the patient’s availability. The dermatologist’s experience is decisive in the treatment of actinic keratoses.