How to preserve fertility in women with cancer?

Breast cancer is the cancer with the highest incidence in women and the fact that nowadays the intention of becoming a mother is increasingly postponed, can lead to the pathology occurring without having been able to fulfill the reproductive desire.

An early diagnosis is the key to overcoming breast cancer, since both the prognosis and the expectations of cure improve substantially.

After the diagnosis of breast cancer, the possibility of preserving fertility means that, in most cases, cancer treatment is only a parenthesis in women who have had to postpone their desire to become mothers because of cancer.

The latest advances and assisted reproduction treatments currently allow patients diagnosed with breast cancer to preserve fertility before starting any chemotherapy treatment that may harm their reproductive capacity.

How is fertility preserved in these cases?

The most important thing is that the fertility preservation process be quick and agile so as not to delay the start of the oncological treatment. With this objective in mind, Ginefiv uses specific ovarian stimulation protocols for oncology patients that are totally adapted to the particular case of each patient.

In order to preserve fertility, it is important that the woman is at an early stage of cancer. However, each case must be studied individually, assessing the clinical situation and the possibilities of using the technique without jeopardizing the beginning of the oncological treatment and with a report from the oncologist specialist.

What is oocyte vitrification?

The technique makes it possible to preserve the fertility of the patient by freezing the eggs, which can be fertilized once the disease has been overcome.

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Oocyte vitrification consists of a first phase of ovarian stimulation, carried out in a controlled manner by the professional specialist in assisted reproduction. Specific protocols are adopted to minimize estrogen levels during ovarian stimulation.

The oocytes are then extracted by ovarian puncture and the mature eggs recovered are cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen at low temperatures until the patient wishes to use them.

For more information about fertility preservation in oncology patients, contact Ginefiv.