Diagnostic Tests

Most patients who are advised to undergo a diagnostic test do not know what it consists of until they arrive at the laboratory. The days leading up to the test are therefore hard, as the nerves and the uncertainty of not knowing what we are facing accumulate. Clinica Tambre wants to put an end to these feelings, so they have dared to define for their patients each of the tests performed in their laboratories. In this way, everyone who comes to the clinic can know in advance what diagnostic test they are going to undergo.

Diagnostic tests in the male

Seminogram: Semen analysis where the volume, acidity or pH of the semen, density, number of motile spermatozoa, morphology and presence of leukocytes are evaluated.

Semen and urine culture: The presence of leukocytes or white blood cells in semen may indicate the existence of a possible infection or cause a possible decrease in the number of spermatozoa.

EMR: Technique of washing and purification of seminal fluids and less gifted spermatozoa, indicating those that are better prepared to fertilize the egg.

Sperm Fish: Genetic analysis that allows us to know how many copies of a chromosome there are in each sperm. A sperm with normal endowment has 23 chromosomes. A high percentage of chromosomally altered sperm could result in a number of chromosomally abnormal embryos.

Sperm DNA fragmentation test: A test that determines the integrity of sperm DNA. If the DNA is fragmented it could affect embryonic development.

Karyotype in peripheral blood: Genetic test consisting of a blood extraction that allows to know if the number of chromosomes contained in the cells is normal. It detects the presence of numerical or structural chromosomal abnormalities as a cause of malformations or diseases.

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Diagnostic tests in women

Ultrasound: Diagnostic test to evaluate the morphology of the ovaries. It allows us to diagnose ovarian cysts, polyps or uterine fibroids.

Basal hormone analysis: This blood test performed between days 2 to 4 of the cycle, helps us to assess ovarian reserve.

Hysterosalpingography: A test consisting of the introduction of a radio-opa¬que contrast through the cervix while serial X-rays are taken to see how the contrast passes through the uterine cavity, the tubes and how it flows into the abdominal cavity.

General analysis: This test helps us to have a general assessment of the patient’s health status, indicating whether it is the ideal time for pregnancy.

Functional evaluation of the ovaries. Basal ultrasound: This ultrasound, performed in the initial phase of the cycle, allows us to count the antral follicles (primary follicles). These follicles represent the number of follicles that can be produced in an induced stimulation, which can give rise to mature oocytes.

Diagnostic tests for both

Serology: Analysis that allows us to check for the presence of antibodies in the blood. It is also performed to rule out infections. In both males and females, Hepatitis B and C and HIV, diseases that can be transmitted during pregnancy, and Syphilis, which can cause fetal malformations, are performed.

In women, rubella, toxoplamosis, and cytomegalovirus, which also cause fetal malformations, are also performed.