Penile Curvature: Peyronie’s Disease Treatment

Peyronie’s disease or curvature of the penis is a more common disease than it is believed that affects middle-aged men and that in most cases have suffered some kind of injury to their reproductive organ when performing sexual intercourse or receiving a blow.

Contrary to popular belief, Peyronie’s disease is not a harmless disease if the following is taken into account:

  • Dyspareunia
  • Inability to penetrate during sexual intercourse.
  • Organic erectile dysfunction
  • Psychological erectile dysfunction

How is Peyronie’s disease treated?

Correcting the curvature of the penis is an apparently simple treatment. Primarily, medications are infiltrated into the fibrous plaque that has caused the curvature in the organ. On other occasions, surgery is necessary.

Four alternatives to treat Peyronie’s disease

1. Shock Wave Treatment

When the fibrous plaque that originates the curvature of the penis is weak and has had little time of evolution.

2. Treatment with Plasma Rich in Growth Factors

This is a revolutionary treatment that has almost no side effects, is non-invasive and very effective against Peyronie’s disease. The treatment with PRFC or RPGF can be applied alone or in combination with shock waves.

The treatment consists of applying the plasma on the Peyronie’s plates. This technique avoids surgery and its possible complications.

3. Reparative or corrective surgery

It consists of an intervention that eliminates the fibrous area, correcting the curvature in almost all cases, achieving great improvements without reducing the size.

4. Penile prosthesis implant

This technique is only performed when the disease is very advanced, and is appropriate in cases where there are several fibrous plaques that trigger virtually untreatable erectile dysfunction.

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For more information on penile curvature and its treatments consult an Andrology specialist.