EMDR Therapy to Overcome Trauma

EMDR therapy is a psychological intervention technique, validated by the World Health Organization, where the patient’s disturbing memories are treated and the discomfort is significantly reduced, making the person feel the memory in a more adaptive way, with much less discomfort and even without disturbance.

How does it work?

The patient focuses on a disturbing memory (“The impact of a traffic accident”), unpleasant sensation (“Knot in the stomach”) or negative belief (“I am not worth it”) and through bilateral stimulation (the therapist moves his fingers and the patient has to follow the movement of the fingers with his eyes, focusing on the unpleasant memory). Gradually the discomfort begins to diminish.

How it helps to overcome a trauma or to deal with post-traumatic stress disorder

It is scientifically proven that by activating the Sympathetic Nervous System (S.N.S) responsible for the state of alertness and stimulating the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) responsible for the state of relaxation, emotional discomfort is reduced and the person can think in a more adaptive way in relation to the memory.

What can EMDR therapy achieve?

EMDR therapy is much faster than other psychological intervention techniques. The results obtained are generalized and are maintained in the medium and long term.

It is a type of intervention that goes where other approaches cannot reach. The patient himself gets to the source of the problem and perceives the memories in a more adaptive and functional way.

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How do patients respond?

Generally speaking, patients who have been treated with EMDR are surprised by the rapid evolution. They report a remarkable improvement, although sometimes the sessions can be intense and difficult for the person (due to the traumatic memories), but once the intervention process is completed, the feedback they give is very positive.