Why Lose Weight with the Apollo Method

The non-surgical gastric sleeve, endoscopic vertical gastroplasty or Apollo method, is an endoscopic stomach reduction technique that is performed orally.

How is it performed?

This endoscopic technique consists of making sutures in the internal cavity of the stomach by introducing an endoscope through the patient’s mouth. The objective is to reduce the size of the stomach in a way similar to the way it is done by surgery, and for this purpose a device is attached to the endoscope that allows suturing the gastric walls in a characteristic way. This reduces the gastric capacity, so that the sensation of satiety appears with the ingestion of a small amount of food.

The Apollo technique is performed under general anesthesia and involves a short hospital stay.

Advantages of the Apollo method without surgery

Among the advantages of the Apollo method with respect to other techniques, the following stand out:

  • Safe technique
  • Low invasive
  • Absence of external scars
  • Shorter recovery period
  • Short hospital stay.

With this method it is possible to lose 50% of the excess weight, which is usually about 20 kg (between 15 and 35 kg) in the first 6 months.

Risks of the Apollo method

Like any other procedure that involves an alteration in the organism, the APOLLO method can have some serious complications, although at present there are few published. Among them, perigastric collection, pulmonary embolism and pneumothorax have been described.

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No mortality has been reported so far, but it is to be expected, although it is very low given that it is an invasive endoscopic technique.

Who can undergo the Apollo method

The Apollo method is indicated for patients with a body mass index between 30 and 40 who have not been able to lose weight with diet and exercise.

This technique also has other indications, such as fixing prostheses, reducing the size of the anastomosis in the gastric bypass after bariatric surgery, etc.