Prenatal Diagnosis: essential for the health of the baby and the mother

Prenatal diagnostic tests are essential to ensure the smooth course of the pregnancy, as well as the health of the baby and the mother. Ultrasounds are very important to detect possible congenital diseases.

Prenatal Diagnostic Tests and when they are performed

The first ultrasound recommended to all women in gestation is between 11-13 weeks. During this visit, the following should be assessed
– the number of fetuses
– calculation of the probability of chromosomopathies, if the parents so wish
– assessment of fetal malformations that can be diagnosed in these weeks of pregnancy.

In addition, as experts in Gynecology and Obstetrics say, in the coming years we will see that this ultrasound will be the basis for prediction and prevention of important diseases in pregnancy, such as pre-term delivery and pre-eclampsia. This will help us to better manage gestation and obtain better perinatal results.

The second important ultrasound is the one that takes place between 20-22 weeks, in which the screening for fetal malformations is performed.

The third ultrasound should be performed between 32-36 weeks of pregnancy, for a new evaluation of the fetal anatomy and verification of correct fetal growth.

Congenital diseases detectable with Prenatal Diagnosis

There are many congenital pathologies that can be detected with prenatal diagnosis, including, among others: cardiopathies, malformations of the central nervous system, face, thorax, abdomen, kidneys, upper and lower limbs.

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The diagnosis of these malformations leads us to think that it is a possible chromosomopathy or genetic syndrome, which is confirmed by fetal karyotyping, after performing an amniocentesis from the 16th week of pregnancy, or a chorionic villus sampling if the diagnosis is made earlier. It is important to emphasize that these malformations can be isolated.

Influence of maternal age on congenital diseases

The mother’s age is important, as we know that the older the mother, the greater the risk of chromosomal disorders and also of maternal complications during gestation, such as preeclampsia or gestational diabetes.

Healthy living tips during pregnancy

The advice to follow during pregnancy to ensure the health of the baby and the mother is very clear:
– a healthy lifestyle
– varied diet
– exercise