What should I know before a labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of the labia minora in women. The size of the labia minora varies greatly among women. Some women often have larger genitalia than they would like, or inequality in them, problems that can be solved quickly and effectively by surgery. A large percentage of patients who undergo this surgery are very satisfied with the results.

When the labia minora are large and hanging, they tend to be uncomfortable when wearing tight clothing, when playing sports or during sexual intercourse. In addition, they can also be associated with repeated vulvovaginal infections because they hinder the proper hygiene of the area and the outflow of vaginal discharge.

What do I have to take into account before a labiaplasty?

In the first visit with your plastic surgeon

During the first visit, a brief interview is conducted about the patient’s wishes, so it is important to have clear ideas. It is also important that you provide some information about your lifestyle; your routine activities, if you practice sports or do physical exercise, if you lead a more or less sedentary life, if your usual work is more or less active, etc. In addition, during the interview, the Plastic Surgery specialist will ask you about the history of interventions or pathologies that you have or have had and if you are allergic to any medication. During the first visit, the type of anesthesia most appropriate for the patient and the necessary preoperative studies are indicated.

The surgery

The surgery consists of removing part of the fat and reducing the size of the labia minora to achieve greater harmony. There are two types of interventions within the labiaplasty:

  • Labia minora reduction is the most common surgery. Its size is reduced and symmetrized starting with an incision and removing both the mucosa and excess skin.
  • Labia majora augmentation is performed with fat or hyaluronic acid to improve their appearance, recovering the voluminous appearance and improving the aesthetics of the area.


The procedure is simple and is performed under local anesthesia. The duration varies according to each case between 30 and 40 minutes. No preoperative study is necessary if only local anesthesia is used. If the patient is very sensitive to pain, we can administer intravenous medication to sedate the patient so that she does not feel pain when the local anesthesia is administered.

The estimate

The budget will be given at the first visit and it includes:

  • Fees of the medical team
  • Clinic or hospital
  • Revisions during one year

Recommendations before surgery

  • Try to quit smoking, tobacco is very harmful and the tissues will need extra oxygen to regenerate as quickly as possible. Your health will thank you and your healing will always be better.
  • Inform the specialist of any disease or allergy you suffer from, as well as the medications you use.
  • Avoid taking aspirin or any anticoagulant medication such as vitamin E or Ginseng.
  • Prepare your family by explaining the procedure and the care and support you require from them.
Read Now 👉  Are you concerned about the appearance of your genitals? Learn about labiaplasty or labia minora reduction

During the days before the surgery it is convenient to use a normal gel (not specific “antibacterial”) to wash the whole body. To go to the clinic dress in comfortable clothes and avoid jeans or tights. Do not wear jewelry (especially earrings and piercings) or painted nails.

How is the labiaplasty surgery performed?

During the previous days you may feel more nervous than usual. Even so, try to rest the night before as much as possible. It is not necessary to go to the hospital on an empty stomach, unless the specialist gives precise instructions. In the morning, take a shower with a neutral soap and avoid moisturizing creams. Also remove the paint from your fingernails and toenails if you are wearing them and all metallic objects. Once in the hospital you will be given aseptic underwear and you will be taken down to the surgical area.

What is the postoperative period after labiaplasty?

After the operation, the pain and care required are so minimal that the patient can return home immediately. It is recommended to rest for 24 to 48 hours after surgery and not to make significant physical efforts during the following 3 or 4 days. Also, no tampons or tight clothing can be used; and abstain from sexual intercourse for four weeks.

The specialist will indicate the correct way to wash the operated area and how to apply an antibiotic cream on the labia minora, usually three times a day for two days after surgery. A consultation will be made a week after the operation, or sooner if the appearance of hematoma (accumulation of blood) is observed.

Complete healing and the fall of the stitches usually occurs 15 days after the operation. The scar becomes less and less visible with time. The labia minora, after reduction, usually remain swollen for several days due to the anesthetic used and the surgery itself. This swelling will decrease over the following weeks. After a month, the patient can have sexual intercourse as usual. The swelling will have completely disappeared approximately a month and a half after the operation. Labiaplasty does not usually result in complications, although if complications do occur, they are usually resolved with corrective intervention.