Rhinoplasty in Men: A More Masculine Nose

Among the surgeries most demanded by male patients is rhinoplasty, either with the objective of improving aesthetic imperfections or for functional reasons.

What type of men undergo rhinoplasty?

Within the canons as ‘masculine’ or ‘manly’, a man’s nose is characterized by being larger than a woman’s, straight and a little wider than a woman’s. One of the main motivations for rhinoplasty is to improve the appearance of the nose.

One of the main motivations for rhinoplasty in men is to give a more masculine appearance to their face, in addition to improving the nose to make it more proportionate and harmonious with the rest of the face. Although other men undergo nose surgery because they are unhappy with the shape or size of the nose, as may be the case with women.

Disproportions, irregularities and asymmetries are frequent in the nose, especially if there has been any trauma.

Ideal candidate for rhinoplasty in men

The ideal candidate for a male rhinoplasty is a man of adult age and in good health, who wishes to improve some aesthetic and/or functional aspect of his nose such as:

  • Nasal tip too wide, narrow, upturned or drooping.
  • Protrusions on the back of the nose, which give it an aquiline appearance.
  • An inwardly curved dorsum, which is often accompanied by a raised tip; or a very narrow nose.
  • Deviations or asymmetries that shift the line of the nose away from the midline of the face.
  • Excessive size, which makes the nose disproportionate to the rest of the face, drawing attention to itself.
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Canon of the male nose

The main thing in a rhinoplasty, both in men and women, is to study the patient’s face, its measurements and proportions to reshape the nose to make it totally harmonious in the facial set.

The ideal nose is one whose nasofrontal and nasomental angles, nasolabial angle and nasoacial angle are closely related.

What is male rhinoplasty like?

The surgical process of rhinoplasty in men is generally performed under general anesthesia. The duration will be variable, depending on the approach technique (open or closed) and osteotomy (trauma or ultrasound).

After the operation, a 24-hour hospital stay is recommended.

Results and postoperative rhinoplasty in men

The results are immediate, although the post-operative splint and swelling will not be visible. If the plastic surgery specialist’s recommendations are strictly followed, the inflammation will subside within a few days and the splint will be removed after about a week. However, it will not be until the inflammatory process is completely over when the definitive results of the rhinoplasty will be seen (approximately one year).

Some post-operative recommendations for rhinoplasty in men are:

  • Sleep with the head elevated.
  • Do not eat until 6/8 hours after surgery.
  • Do not blow your nose until ⅔ weeks have passed.
  • Do not resume physical exercise until ¾ weeks. Contact sports, after 6/8 weeks.
  • Return to work 1-3 weeks after rhinoplasty.