Can I have a rhinoplasty without surgery?

Rhinoplasty without surgery, called rhinomodeling is indicated in the following cases:

  • Correction of defects of the profile of the dorsum of the nose.
  • Correction of small humps.
  • Drooping tips.

This procedure can be performed from 15 years of age.

To achieve the best possible results in rhinomodeling, the harmony of the face is vital to consider the intervention.

At Clínica Rinos, they have great specialists who advise their patients, to define the results and propose, objectively, the correction of possible defects in the nose. With this objective, a digital simulation is used to be able to appreciate the result completely free of charge, previewing how the result will be.

How is the procedure performed?

The treatment is performed under local anesthesia and without surgery. The product used can be reabsorbable or permanent and only two or three sessions of about 30 minutes duration are required.

With a more economical cost than a rhinoplasty, the results can be seen immediately, although in the two days immediately after the intervention may appear a slight swelling. In any case, the full result will take about six months.

Recovery is immediate and not much care is necessary:

  • Do not wear glasses in the hours following the intervention.
  • Apply anti-inflammatory creams during the first days.
  • Do not go to sleep in the following hours.
  • Do not practice strenuous sports during the first month.
  • Avoid immersions or diving during the first month.
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Also, in the intervention can be added some other treatment to further improve facial harmony, such as a facial bioplasty or cheek augmentation.

Is there a risk of the patient looking strange or not recognizing him/herself?

This is a common fear before making the decision. The change that will be made in the nose will be millimetric, providing greater harmony to the face. The patient will be the same person, only with a point of beauty.