What is bronchiectasis surgery

Bronchiectasis is an irreversible dilatation of the bronchi. The dilatation causes bronchial secretions (mucus) to accumulate and cannot be expelled properly, increasing infections. The symptoms derive from this accumulation of secretions, abundant and chronic cough and expectoration, sputum with blood and repeated respiratory infections.

The most frequent causes are previous inflammatory processes (pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc), often occurring in childhood, which may go unnoticed.

What does bronchiectasis surgery consist of?

The surgery consists of the resection of the lung fragment (segment or lobe) where the bronchiectasis is located.

In which cases is it performed?

Bronchiectasis surgery is indicated when the patient presents recurrent symptoms.

The most frequent symptoms are increased cough and expectoration. The most severe symptoms are repeated respiratory infections that cannot be controlled with antibiotic treatment, or hemoptysis (abundant bleeding with cough).

The indication for surgery will depend on the symptoms and the extent of the disease (localized or diffuse).

How is the recovery process?

The recovery process is the same as for any lung resection surgery.

What are the advantages over other treatments?

Surgery eliminates bronchiectasis. The rest of the medical treatments only improve the symptomatology.

What is the success rate of surgery?

The advantages of surgery are evident when the surgical indication is well done, eliminating the focus of infection and bleeding.