Gynecologic Review

What is a gynecological visit?

During a gynecological visit, the state of health of the female genital tract as a whole is evaluated. During the visit, both the internal and external genital organs, as well as the breast, are checked to evaluate the presence of problems or real pathologies.

To perform a gynecological examination, the patient must be placed on a table with her legs apart.

What does it consist of?

To perform a gynecological examination, the patient is placed on a table with her legs apart. The specialist then proceeds to check the condition of the vulva and vagina. The characteristics of the uterus and ovaries are evaluated, both with an objective examination and with a transvaginal ultrasound.

During the visit, a Pap smear is usually performed to obtain a more detailed analysis and to exclude the presence of pre-tumor cells in the cervix.

The last part of the visit consists of checking the breast for possible lumps. The specialist will also teach the patient how to repeat the procedure at home periodically. The whole process usually takes no more than 20-30 minutes.

Why is it performed?

The gynecological examination serves to control the state of health of the female genital system and to detect possible infections or pathologies. The first visit should take place after the arrival of the first menstrual cycle or, in any case, no later than the first sexual intercourse, even in the absence of any disorders. It is advisable to have a visit as soon as possible in case of itching, burning or abnormal vaginal secretions, as well as in case of particularly irregular menstruation or breast cysts. However, even if there are no problems, it is advisable to have a check-up at least once every 3 years, and more frequently in case of breast or uterine cancers in the family.

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Preparation for the gynecological visit

No special preparation is necessary before undergoing a gynecological visit. The only useful indication is to schedule the visit outside the menstrual cycle and to empty the bladder before the examination to avoid any discomfort during the examination.

What does the exam feel like?

The gynecological examination is not painful. The sensation during the internal check is similar to that felt when using a tampon. The most important thing to facilitate the procedure is to try to relax, breathing in and out deeply.

Meaning of abnormal results

The abnormal results that can be found during the examination are of different types. Tumor formations, pathologies, infections and even simple irritations can be identified by monitoring and the most appropriate therapy can be determined. For more information, you can consult a specialist in Gynecology.