Rejuvenation look


1. What is eye rejuvenation?

2. Why is it performed?

3. What does it consist of?

4. Preparing for eye rejuvenation

5. Care after the procedure

What is eye rejuvenation?

The rejuvenation of the eyes is performed mainly in the area of the eyelids, dark circles and bags that show signs of age. Over the years and due to various external factors the skin tends to lose its tone and firmness, as well as depending on the expressions we make or genetic factors.

All treatments are performed without general anesthesia.

The rejuvenation of the eyes is performed on eyelids, dark circles and bags.

Why is it performed?

It is performed to correct the aging of the eyes and bring freshness, obtaining natural results.

What does it consist of?

There are several treatments that can be chosen according to the patient’s needs.

– Botulinum toxin (botox): allows smoothing wrinkles and crow’s feet that age the look. It also improves the frown area (interciliary), to clear it and even. To raise the eyebrows.

– Fillers or implants for dark circles under the eyes: they eliminate the indentation of dark circles, the sunken “panda eye” shape, and soften the dark coloration, even conceal bags under the eyes, thus correcting the tired look. No anesthesia is required.

– Specific facial mesotherapy for eyes: a specific combination of hyaluronic acid, trace elements, vitamins and natural antioxidant minerals are injected to provide firmness, hydration and elasticity to the fine skin around the eyes.

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– Chemical peeling: eliminates small superficial defects of the skin, especially in pigmented dark circles under the eyes, and therefore improves their appearance.

– High intensity pulsed light rejuvenation: using pulsed light, blemishes, skin tone and expression lines can be corrected non-invasively.

– Blepharoplasma: when there is excess skin, such as slightly drooping eyelids. Through a device that ionizes the air (plasma) produces microablations that achieve a retraction of the skin. It requires topical anesthesia (cream).

Preparation for the rejuvenation of the look

No guidelines are required prior to its realization. Only go to the treatments without makeup on the skin.

Care after the procedure

Generally, they are painless treatments, so no specific post-treatment care is necessary. Some recommendations are to avoid makeup, sunbathing, exercise, saunas or swimming pools the following 24-48 hours.