Nasal Trauma

What are nasal traumas?

Trauma or blows to the nose can cause various injuries, which may include skin injury or internal injuries of varying severity.

These traumas, depending on the severity or the area affected, can be differentiated mainly between cartilaginous injuries or fractures of the bones of the nose.

It should be noted that the nasal pyramid is the most prominent part of the face. This factor determines that, in the face of facial trauma, the nose is usually affected.

Prognosis of the disease

In many cases, patients with nasal trauma recover after following the appropriate treatment. In other cases, depending on the severity of the trauma, the pre-injury appearance may not be completely restored.

It is important to see a specialist if, after receiving a blow, abnormalities are perceived in the nose, as in breathing, shape, etc.. This is because in the first 14 days it is possible to reposition the deviations of the bones but later a rhinoplasty is necessary.

The nose is the most prominent part of the face.

Symptoms of nasal trauma

The main symptoms that we must take into account are:

  • Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Hematoma
  • Deformity
  • Respiratory insufficiency
  • Hemorrhage

This symptomatology may vary depending on the trauma and the severity of the trauma.

Medical tests for nasal trauma

The specialist will ask about the origin of the trauma and the symptoms presented by the patient. The specialist will then observe the nose and palpate it with the fingers. It may also be necessary to look at previous photographs to learn about the patient’s previous condition.

It is important to inspect the nasal pyramid, the nasal septum and evaluate the air passage. With a rhinoscopy you will be able to evaluate the state of the nasal cavities.

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X-rays can help confirm the diagnosis. For more complex traumas the specialist may require a computerized tomography, to determine if it affects other structures such as the face or the base of the skull.

It is very important to do an internal exploration, because if clots accumulate inside, they can cause necrosis of the nasal septum and important aesthetic deformities.

What are the causes of nasal trauma?

There are several reasons that can cause nasal trauma, among which we can find the following:

  • Falls
  • Traffic accidents
  • Blows during sports practice
  • Physical aggressions

Can they be prevented?

A nasal trauma is complicated to prevent, but a series of tips can be followed to help prevent risky situations:

  • Wear a seat belt
  • Wear appropriate equipment while practicing sports or at work.
  • Avoid violent confrontations

Treatments for nasal trauma

The treatment will depend on whether it is a simple contusion or if a fracture has occurred. If it is a simple nasal trauma and there is no fracture, you only have to treat the bleeding with a tamponade. The pain it may cause can be treated with analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs and with the application of a cold compress.

In the case of fracture it will depend on whether the nose has been twisted or deformed. In simpler cases, medical care may not be necessary and the application of ice and analgesics may be sufficient.

In displacements or breaks the doctor can realign the nose manually or, in more complicated cases, surgery may be necessary. This surgery can serve to realign the bones and give a new shape to the nose.

What specialist treats them?

Nasal trauma is treated by specialists in Otolaryngology. You can find the specialist who best suits your needs in the Top Doctors medical directory.