Liver cyst

What is a liver cyst?

Any fluid-filled lesion is called a cyst. When these cysts are located in the liver they are called hepatic cysts. In numerous occasions, these do not produce symptoms and are diagnosed after some exploration of the liver by means of an ultrasound or CT scan. Many people usually have small cysts that do not require treatment or follow-up by a medical professional. On other occasions the cysts may be multiple and larger, with parasitic, hereditary or other origins, which may require more intensive follow-up. These types of patients will require further diagnostic tests and eventually medical-surgical treatment.

Types of liver cysts

  • Simple cyst: the most frequent and totally benign type of cyst composed of clear fluid that does not communicate with the intrahepatic bile ducts.
  • Polycystic liver disease: a disease characterized by the development of multiple cysts in the liver. It is usually associated with the presence of several cysts in the kidney.
  • Hydatid cyst: The parasite called Echinococcus granulosus, which can be transmitted by infected dogs, is the cause of this type of cyst.
  • Tumors: sometimes the tumors take the appearance of hepatic cysts, they develop in the intrahepatic bile ducts.
  • Biliary cysts: they consist of dilatations of the intrahepatic biliary branches that give rise to the appearance of a cyst.

Prognosis of the disease

The prognosis is favorable in most cases when a hepatic cyst is diagnosed, even if they cause pain or increase in size.

Symptoms of liver cyst

Most of the time liver cysts have no symptoms, but rather present unpredictably. Smaller cysts may not be diagnosed until they increase in size and the patient experiences pain and other discomfort. In cases where the patient feels a sudden, sharp pain in the upper part of the stomach, it means that the liver cyst is bleeding. Liver cysts tend to develop in any part of the liver, but most often in the right lobe of the liver. A physical examination from the outside of the stomach can diagnose the growth of a particular cyst.

A cyst is a fluid-filled lesion that settles in the body.
that settles in the body.

Medical tests for liver cyst

At the onset of pain or enlargement of the abdomen, the specialist will perform a physical examination to diagnose the pathology. It is necessary to point out that there are certain diseases that may be associated with hepatic cysts:

  • Polycystic liver diseases.
  • Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD).
  • Von Hippel Lindau disease.
  • By means of ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, the differential analysis can be performed. Liver cysts can be identified through the images as round or oval structures with defined margins. A homogeneous hypoattenuation can also be observed, among other characteristics.
  • Finally, the specialist should also perform a blood test to rule out the possibility of the presence of parasites.
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What are the causes of liver cyst?

The appearance of liver cysts is related to malformations of the bile ducts, but their exact origin is unknown. Over the years some people develop liver cysts, while others have had them since birth. Being asymptomatic, these cysts are not diagnosed until the patient suffers some pain and the specialist performs the appropriate tests mentioned above. Renal insufficiency or a malfunction of the spleen of the gallbladder may be other causes of the appearance of a liver cyst. Because the accumulation of toxins can cause alterations in liver function. The formation of these cysts is created from an increase in differentiated liver cells, which grow and are distributed in a disorganized manner.

Can it be prevented?

Most liver cysts originate through the genetic inheritance of each person. However, the greatest risk is presented by the bacterium called Echinococcus granulosus, which can cause the appearance of hepatic cysts. However, there are several preventive measures that are specified below.

  • Dogs (dogs, wolves, jackals, coyotes…) are the main carriers of Echinococcus granulosus, therefore it is important that dogs that have not received the necessary vaccinations and deworming process are not petted or kissed.
  • It is very important that domestic dogs receive each and every vaccination.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables properly before eating them.
  • Maintain proper hand hygiene by washing hands frequently and always drink bottled water.

Treatments for liver cysts

In many cases, liver cysts do not need treatment. The specialist may perform an ultrasound scan to visually monitor larger cysts (larger than 4 cm). If the cyst does not grow after 2 or 3 years, it will not be necessary to continue with the follow-up of the cyst. On the one hand, surgery will be necessary in those situations in which the cyst is large and causes pain to the patient. There are different surgical options, among them the removal of the cyst by surgery or laparoscopy. On the other hand, drainage of the cyst by puncture is not a recommended option, since the cyst can reproduce.

Which specialist treats it?

The specialist who treats the liver cyst is the general surgeon. At Top Doctors we offer the best specialist who adapts to the patient’s needs according to his pathology and ailment.