Pediatric Ultrasound

What is pediatric ultrasound?

It is a test that helps in the diagnostic orientation, based on a physical and clinical exploration. It is a reliable method in various age groups, which allows to explore all parts of the body. No radiation is used in this test.

What does it consist of?

The technique is based on the use of ultrasound waves emitted by a probe. These waves interact with the organs and tissues, returning to the probe in the form of echoes that are transformed into images.

Why is it performed?

Pediatric ultrasound is especially useful for pediatric specialists, since it helps them to quickly define whether or not there is the presence of any pathology. It is especially useful to evaluate pelvic, abdominal or scrotal pain in children.

The technique is based on the use of ultrasound waves.

Preparation for pediatric ultrasound

It is recommended that the patient comes with comfortable clothing and not too tight.

In most cases no preparation is necessary, but, in other cases, the specialist may require the patient to come on an empty stomach. He/she may also ask the child to drink a few glasses of water before the (without urinating first).

In any case, the specialist should be consulted for any specific instructions.

What does it feel like during the test?

Nothing is felt during the ultrasound procedure, it is a quick and painless test. The patient will lie face up on a table while the scan is being performed.

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The only discomfort the patient may feel is the slight pressure the specialist may have to apply when moving the transducer over the skin.

Meaning of abnormal results

If any abnormality is detected, follow-up examinations may be requested, with the aim of performing a more exhaustive evaluation or with a specific imaging technique.

In any case, the specialist will be in charge of monitoring and interpreting the images in order to transmit them to the patient’s family.