
What is dysmetria?

Dysmetria is a condition in which the length between the bony segments of the lower limbs is different. It is a common disorder, suffered by 1 in 3 people.

Symptoms of dysmetria

People over the age of 20 who have dysmetria may suffer from numerous symptoms, such as back pain, or perceive more or less intense pain in the knee and/or ankle.

Dysmetria is a disorder suffered by one in 3 people.

Diagnosis of dysmetria

Dysmetria is often visible to the naked eye, but the diagnosis is made through X-rays, scans and osteopathic tests.

What are the causes of dysmetria?

Idiopathic or traumatic causes can lead to dysmetria, such as congenital malformations, joint disease or scoliosis.

Treatments for dysmetria

Dysmetria is treated in most cases with an expertly designed template that helps realign the pelvis and eliminate limb-to-limb dysmetry.

Which specialist to contact?

Dysmetria is treated by trauma specialists.

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