
What is Endermologie?

Endermology (Endermologie) is a lipomassage technique better known as LPG. It consists in reducing fat accumulation areas through the stimulation of circulation and reduction of adipose tissue.

Why is it used?

It is carried out with a non-invasive and totally safe technique that allows remodeling the most “rebellious” areas that, as a general rule, do not respond to diets or exercises. Normally these areas are cartridge, thighs and buttocks, where cellulite is more noticeable or more volume than normal, compared to the rest of the body. Specifically, it is a treatment indicated for people with fluid retention problems or circulation problems (as long as there are no circulatory problems such as varicose veins or phlebitis).

What does it consist of?

The treatment is based on a deep therapeutic massage using a mechanism formed by two rollers that are applied on the skin and produce a suction effect on it. This allows to mold the treated area and correct cellulite and other problems, in addition to stimulating the lymphatic system and circulation.

It is a treatment with a series of sessions, which can range from 14 to 28, and are necessary for the endermologic massage to be fully effective. The sessions usually last about 30 minutes and is painless.

The effects of endermology are achieved by stimulating the beta receptor cells (responsible for burning fat and evacuating toxins and waste). By stimulating them, it is possible to detoxify the body of fatty acids and toxins, as well as to lose weight and reduce cellulite thanks to fat burning, so it is also effective because of the boost that endermology causes in the blood circulation and lymphatic system.

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Preparation for endermology

Before each session, the patient is advised to drink plenty of water (about 8 glasses) and lead a healthy lifestyle. Sugary soft drinks and alcohol are also discouraged. On the other hand, it is recommended to walk at least one hour a day to favor the elimination of toxins, activating the lymphatic system, as well as to do draining massages to help the fat to move. On the other hand, strength exercises are always advisable to improve muscle tone.

Post-procedure care

It is a non-invasive treatment, so aftercare after the intervention is very little. The points mentioned above are advisable, both before, during and after endermologic sessions.