
  1. What is sacroielitis?
  2. What is the prognosis of sacroielitis?
  3. What are the symptoms?
  4. What are the most common medical tests?
  5. What are the causes of sacroielitis?
  6. Can sacroielitis be prevented?
  7. Treatments for sacroielitis

What is sacroielitis?

Sacroielitis is an inflammation in the joints located in the area between the end of the spine and the pelvis (the sacrum).

It manifests as low back pain caused by various types of arthritis, spondylitis, ankylosing spondylitis or scoliosis, although it can also occur in pregnant women due to the body changes produced by the fetus.

Sacroieltis is an inflammation that causes pain in the buttocks or the
in the buttocks or lower back.

What is the prognosis of sacroielitis?

Sacroiliitis is a disease that may be chronic, that is, it may not be completely cured and may worsen. Its prognosis depends on the type of factor by which it has been provoked. However, its deterioration can be postponed by constant physiotherapeutic treatment and by avoiding the factors that caused the inflammation.

What are the symptoms?

The most common symptoms of sacroiliitis are the following:

  • Pain in the lower back, buttocks, hip or thigh.
  • sharp pain when sitting or standing for long periods of time.
  • Pain when turning the hips.
  • Pain with physical activity or climbing stairs.
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What are the most common medical tests?

The most accurate medical test to diagnose sacroiliitis in its initial phase is an MRI. In case it is in a more advanced stage, it would be convenient, if the doctor indicates it, to perform X-rays, a CAT scan or an MRI.

What are the causes of sacroielitis?

Sacro-myelitis may have been caused by traumatic and non-traumatic causes. We can identify different causes of traumatic origin:

  • An overload.
  • A fall.
  • An accident in which an impact is received in the hip.

Other non-traumatic causes are the following:

  • Articular diseases
  • Imbalances that have affected the joint in the area.
  • Repeated microtrauma
  • Obesity.
  • Constant incorrect posture.

Can sacroielitis be prevented?

The disease can be prevented by maintaining good posture and avoiding being overweight.

There is no measure short of a good daily exercise routine that includes regular stretching of muscles, tendons and nerves of the spine.

Treatments for sacroiliitis

Analgesics, muscle relaxants or tumor necrosis inhibitors may be necessary to relieve the pain caused by this disease, although these will only cancel the pain for a few hours. To start a treatment that is appropriate, improves the problem that causes the disease and is effective, you should consult a specialist in Traumatology.

If after consulting a specialist no treatment is effective during the first six months, surgery may be used to block the joint and prevent pain.