Labor Preparation

What is childbirth preparation?

The term “childbirth preparation” encompasses the set of tools that are useful to expectant parents in preparing for the birth of a baby from the beginning of pregnancy.

They are usually informative talks in which an introduction to the development of the fetus and the existing medical controls; psychological aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum; the functioning of childbirth; quarantine period after childbirth; breastfeeding, etc. is given. In addition, in the practical childbirth preparation classes, a specialized instructor teaches the pregnant woman body postures and exercises that help her to provide greater elasticity to the muscular structures to facilitate the birth process, as well as breathing and relaxation techniques that will allow her to have greater self-control at the moment of labor contractions.

Why is it done?

Pregnancy is a very important stage of adaptation in the life of the parents, who must be aware that they are pregnant with a new life and it is their responsibility to take care of their health and well-being, as well as to be informed of the changes that the mother will experience and that pregnancy is ultimately an enriching experience.

It is also useful for the mother to be better prepared for the moment of childbirth, since it works on elasticity, better postures for childbirth and control of contractions.

Preparation for childbirth is important for parents to live this new stage as informed and prepared as possible.

What does it consist of?

Childbirth preparation consists of a series of classes or sessions, both theoretical and practical, which are given in hospitals, social or educational organizations or health centers, among others, which must be taught by a professional or a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics and which can be attended by the woman alone or with a companion, who is usually the father or mother of the future baby. The sessions are between 1 and 2 hours, usually begin during the first trimester and the duration of the entire course will be 5 to 8 weeks.

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The sessions are divided into theoretical and practical:

  • Theoretical childbirth preparation classes: they consist of informative sessions where mothers are explained the changes they will experience during gestation, the types of childbirth, and in general what they can experience in each of the phases of childbirth.
  • Practical childbirth preparation classes: these are prenatal gymnastics classes, postural exercises, breathing and relaxation for childbirth.

What to know before childbirth preparation

Mothers should find out about the different childbirth preparation courses available to them, as well as the techniques they will be working on. There are several techniques on which childbirth preparation classes are based. The most commonly used are:

  • The Bradley method: emphasizes avoiding the administration of medications as much as possible, taking care of nutrition, physical activity and relaxation, as well as involving the father in the process.
  • The Lamaze method: focuses on supporting the mother with words of encouragement, massage and tactile and visual stimuli to help her feel safe, confident and fearless for pregnancy and childbirth. The figure of the father is fundamental to support the woman.

Alternatives to childbirth preparation

Childbirth preparation is not mandatory in a pregnancy, it is a choice of the parents to be better informed and prepared for pregnancy and childbirth. Parallel to the choice of these sessions, it is essential for the pregnant woman to get in the hands of a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics to follow up the pregnancy and give her individual advice.