The role of drawing as a method of psychological analysis

Drawing is a language that, being an artistic expression, makes it possible to represent experiences or other types of experience. This type of representation at a symbolic level can condense everything that motivates the subject, his dreams, ideology and also that which distresses him. We can say that it is a representation of the psychic … Read more

How does Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy help us

Psychoanalytic psychotherapy offers the patient the possibility of getting to know how his or her mind works, both intrapsychically and interpersonally. The aspects that are discovered in the therapeutic process allow the person a new knowledge applicable in his daily life, providing feelings that were inhibited, denied, modified or absent. In order to achieve this, … Read more

Lottery and gambling, why are we attracted to them?

The fact that we are attracted to play the lottery can be explained from a double perspective: anthropological and psychological. If we want to understand the behavior of playing the lottery from a psychological point of view, Kevin Bennett’s research (Psychology Today, 2016) can help us understand it, as he clearly explains what are the … Read more

Serenity and mindfulness, keys to positivity in life

The serenity that every person craves does not come only from a relaxed body, but is the consequence of focusing, even in the midst of adversity, on the most constructive aspects of existence. Serenity, therefore, is also the result of a calm mind, built largely by strengthening the capacity for mindfulness. Strengthening mindfulness in constructive … Read more

The Role of Emotions during Pregnancy

Motherhood is not only a biological process, it is also a psychological crisis during which childhood conflicts are reactivated, testing the emotional maturity of the woman, her identity and the vivid relationship with her own mother. Pregnancy brings the woman into contact with emotions that often manifest themselves in intense and contradictory ways. Identification with … Read more

Can coaching help me improve my self-esteem?

What is self-esteem? Self-esteem is one’s perception of oneself, one’s beliefs about one’s ability, how one evaluates oneself and how one feels, taking into account one’s past experiences. When is someone considered to have low self-esteem? When a person has low self-esteem, feels insecurity, fear to face challenges, is not able to communicate for fear … Read more

How to manage time better?

Learning to manage our time better is one of the keys to personal and professional success. Although it may seem simple, it is not so simple: we are often overloaded with work, commitments and activities and, if we do not organize ourselves properly, this can lead to stress. In order to find enough motivation to … Read more

Should I have a neuropsychological evaluation?

The neuropsychological evaluation is a procedure specifically designed to explore the cognitive functioning of individuals. It consists of approximately 2 hours of testing, which the neuropsychologist then evaluates according to your age and educational level, and draws the appropriate conclusions. The results of the assessment are delivered personally to the patient through the neuropsychological report; … Read more

Pain is unavoidable, suffering is useless

Today we are going to be happier because we deserve it and we have earned it. Happiness does not depend on external factors such as winning the lottery or our boss raising our salary. Nor do I want to fall into the cliché that happiness is inside us. Inside? Where? In the kidneys, in the … Read more