Everything you need to know about evoked potentials

Evoked potentials are diagnostic techniques that, by means of sensitive stimuli and the recording of brain responses obtained by the physician specialized in Clinical Neurophysiology, assess the integrity of the stimulated sensitive pathways. What are evoked potentials used for? These diagnostic tests are recommended for patients suffering from some of these pathologies: Optic neuritis Multiple … Read more

Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome

What is restless legs syndrome and what symptoms does it cause? One out of every four patients who come to a sleep unit for chronic insomnia problems, what lies behind the chronic insomnia is a neurological disease called restless legs syndrome. This disease, which is usually transmitted genetically between members of the same family, manifests … Read more

Why I have vertigo

People who suffer from vertigo feel that they are in motion and spinning, so it is associated with a feeling of dizziness. Dr. Porta discusses the causes and symptoms of this anomaly. Causes of vertigo Vertigo can be due to multiple causes, from mild, such as some affecting the inner ear, to serious neurological conditions … Read more

ALS, the neurodegenerative disease affecting motor cells

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a group of neurodegenerative diseases in which the motor nerve cells of the brain, brainstem and medulla are affected. This results in loss of function and muscle atrophy. In this article we talk to Dr. López-Ventura, a specialist in Neurology, so that he can explain a little more about this … Read more

What is Neuropsychology

Neuropsychology is the science that studies the relationship between higher functions and brain structures. Our life, nowadays, is not conceivable without computers. However, there is no compact, low-cost, maintenance-free computer capable of matching the speed, subtlety and precision of the human brain. According to specialists in Neurology, the brain is the most important organ of … Read more

How does stress affect the brain?

As we approach the end of the year, we find ourselves at a time when we usually take stock of the year we have lived and analyze whether we have fulfilled our plans and whether or not we have achieved what we had previously planned. On the other hand, it is a phase of the … Read more

Epilepsy surgery: when should it be performed

In 30% of patients with epilepsy, seizures are not adequately controlled with drugs. For this reason, when a patient has tried at least two antiepileptic drugs and seizures persist, making daily life difficult, his epilepsy is considered to be drug-resistant and should be studied to see if his condition requires surgical treatment. The aim of … Read more

Insomnia, the most common sleep disorder

Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder, and is prominent in women, the elderly and people with psychological problems such as anxiety and depression. It consists of a reduced ability to sleep. There are different types of insomnia depending on which phase of sleep they affect. Onset insomnia is one in which there are problems … Read more

Narcolepsy: a daytime sleepiness

Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological syndrome with sleep disorders. This disease is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness with invincible sleep crises, cataplexy (emotion-induced falls) and other abnormal manifestations of REM sleep such as sleep paralysis (paralysis of the body at the beginning or end of sleep) and hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations (at the beginning or … Read more

How to exercise the memory so as not to forget

Memory is a brain function that allows us to record new experiences and remember previous ones. Memory is to preserve, store and be able to recall what we have learned. Memory is essential for everyday life. How does memory work? The cerebral cortex is the seat of memory, just as it is for language, reasoning … Read more