Knee ligament injury in children

According to Traumatology experts, knee ligaments are fibrous structures that stabilize the joint by preventing abnormal displacement of the joint. There are external collateral ligaments and cruciate ligaments that are located inside the joint. Injury to these structures can range from sprain to rupture depending on the mechanism and energy of the trauma. Cause of … Read more

What is achondroplasia?

Achondroplasia or dwarfism is a genetic disorder that affects bone growth. Dr. Galo García Fontecha, author of the article, is a renowned researcher and specialist in Pediatric Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery, expert in all traumatic, congenital or developmental pathologies of the locomotor system in children. He practices at Lenox Corachan and Centro Medico Delfos. Here … Read more

Hip problems in infancy

Childhood trauma specialists say there are many problems that can affect a child’s hip during infancy. These differ according to age. Dysplasia is the main childhood disease related to the hip. In the newborn it is the most frequent pathology. The baby’s joint does not have a normal anatomy and this can lead to hip … Read more

Hip dysplasia in infancy

We can define as dysplasia in the infantile hip any alteration of the normal morphology or evolution of the infantile hip. It is a “catch-all” term that encompasses different pathologies, but especially because of its frequency and importance, congenital dislocation of the hip. Female sex, previous family history of hip dysplasia, cesarean delivery and primiparity … Read more

How infantile cerebral palsy manifests itself

Dr. Carbonell is a specialist in Child Traumatology in Alicante and professor of this same specialty at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. In this article he explains how cerebral palsy in children is treated from the traumatological point of view. Cerebral palsy is an affectation of the brain that causes important motor alterations in … Read more

Spring-loaded thumb requires surgery

Although spring thumb is not very frequent, it is the most common pathology of the upper extremity in children, excluding trauma. In spite of being a simple pathology, it is often unknown even by the same health personnel, so that sometimes the diagnosis is confused as a lesion produced by a traumatism, prescribing wrong treatments. … Read more

Knee angulation, a common concern for parents

A common concern for parents is the alignment of their children’s legs when viewed from the front. This alignment presents different types within the normality, finding us with: Bowed legs, called genu varum. It occurs when the knees are separated and the ankles are together. Straight X-shaped, called genu valgum. When the knees come together … Read more

What treatment is available for flatfoot?

Flexible flatfoot is usually symptom-free and allows an unrestricted life, and is considered a variant of normal in these circumstances. However, there are cases in which the flexible flat foot causes pain (related to the greater activity of the musculature to stabilize the ambulation or with the overloads or hyper supports that it conditions), sensitivity … Read more