What is fatty liver and how can we avoid it?

The liver is the heaviest organ in the body. Among other functions, it is responsible for converting sugar into fat, storing nutrients such as vitamin B12, filtering toxic substances out of the blood and converting them into compounds that can be eliminated from the body. Fatty liver is the excessive deposit of fat inside the … Read more

3 key questions about ischemic heart disease

What is ischemic heart disease? Ischemic heart disease is a disease caused by atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. Coronary atherosclerosis is a slow process in which collagen formation and accumulation of lipids (fats) and inflammatory cells (lymphocytes) occur. These processes cause narrowing (stenosis) of the coronary arteries. The process begins during the first decades of … Read more

Preventing cardiac problems during the vacations

With summer, many people take advantage of their vacations to travel and we choose more and more varied and exotic destinations, but the change in climate and diet can cause cardiac problems. For example, in common heart diseases such as arterial hypertension and heart failure, adequate control of diet and hydration status is required, and … Read more

Prevent and treat the most common cardiovascular ailments

Heart problems cause the death of millions of people each year. Currently, in the Western world there are three “epidemics”: ischemic heart disease (coronary heart disease), atrial fibrilation (the most frequent arrhythmia we encounter in clinical practice) and heart failure (the consequence of different cardiac pathologies when they evolve). Diseases of the heart valves (valvulopathies)-especially … Read more