Coping with illness as an opportunity or the influence of the mind in the face of cancer

You have cancer. These two words can crumble the whole life of any person and their environment, but it does not always have to be like that, on the contrary, it can be a positive life change. Dr. Emma Barthe, a renowned psychologist specialized in treating cancer patients and a pioneer in bioinformation, presented her latest book on March 13: Cancer. Más allá de la enfermedad (Obelisco Ediciones), a lesson on how the way of facing the disease and psychological strength can influence the development of the pathology itself. “There are many things that the patient can do to face this situation”, explained Barthe -in a room of a popular bookstore in Barcelona filled to overflowing-, and he made it clear that yes: “there are psychological factors that influence the disease”.

Many of the attendees at the presentation of this work already knew what Barthe was talking about, and some had even tried it and it had worked for them. From a stressed computer scientist to a young girl with a small child, the testimonies of the cases that improved thanks to Barthe’s sessions were really impressive. They all agreed on the importance of relaxation when facing the disease and on their mistrust of the method proposed by Barthe at the beginning of his sessions, but today they all consider that it has been very useful.

The gratitude between patients and doctor was mutual, as Barthe herself acknowledged that “I have received a great deal from the people I have treated” and assured that “a bond is established from heart to heart, from soul to soul”, and she even concluded that “working in oncology has been a gift for me”.

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Other therapists and patients of Barthe joined the colloquium to explain their experiences, all with a high value of vitality. Thus, through real examples, what bioinformation is was being explained and Barthe ended up even leaving those present with some valuable advice, both for those who suffer from a disease and for those who do not. “We are spiritual beings” Barthe pointed out to make people understand the strength of mental power and attitude when facing a barrier such as cancer, and warned that “fear kills”.

Life lesson

Beyond bionformation, health issues or editorial questions, the presentation of Dr. Barthe’s book was a life lesson. Our stressful day-to-day lives often prevent us from stopping to think about ourselves, our minds and our health. To stop and realize that there is only one life and that those daily problems that worry us so much may not be so important. The testimonies related in Barthe’s presentation showed that things can be faced in a different way, they gave a life lesson.