World Alzheimer’s Day

Tomorrow, September 21, is World Alzheimer’s Day. This has been the date chosen by the World Health Organization and Alzheimer’s Federation International to focus on the disease, a progressive, degenerative and irreversible disorder of the brain.

The purpose of this commemoration is to raise awareness of the disease and disseminate information, requesting the support and solidarity of the population, institutions and official bodies.

In Spain, more than 12% of people over 65 years of age suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, whether diagnosed or not. Specialists stress the importance of identifying the disease in order to apply the appropriate treatment. Difficulty in solving problems, disorientation of time or place, small memory losses or difficulty in distinguishing visual images are some of the symptoms that can warn of the presence of the disease. As Dr. Yusta explains, one of the main symptoms is when “you forget things and then you are unable to remember them. It is not the same as when we wonder where we left our keys. The Alzheimer’s patient, despite being given clues or clues, is unable to remember”.

Both for those suffering from Alzheimer’s and for those who want to prevent it, it is important to perform cognitive stimulation exercises, as recommended by Dr. Yusta “doing crossword puzzles, keeping the mind active, discussing topics, playing chess and reading” are activities that should be practiced to keep memory and cognition active.