Dr. Hector Grimberg gives a course on psychodramatic techniques

Dr. Hector Grimberg, specialist in Psychiatry and member of Top Doctors, will give in the coming weeks the workshop “Group and psychodramatic techniques”. Its objective is to teach the difference between a group and a group of people and, from there, to be able to develop skills for personal growth in group feedback.

The workshop, which will consist of 10 meetings with a duration of 4 hours each, will begin on April 9 at 10:00 am.

The groups generate a strengthening of personal aspects and the possibility of entrepreneurship. This group plus will be worked in an experiential way through the learning of psychodramatic techniques.

It is aimed at professionals in Psychology, Psychiatry, Nursing, Social Work and Education, as well as all those professionals interested in the coordination of groups or teams.

Information about the course

  • First meeting: April 9 at 10:00 a.m.
  • Place: Roger de Llúria, 46 1º 2ª Barcelona
  • Price: 50€ per meeting / 450€ advance payment of 10 meetings
  • For registration and more information: 606970529 / [email protected]
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