Foods to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Today is World Day against Prostate Cancer. It is one of the diseases that most concerns men and according to data from the Spanish Association of Urology (AEU), it is the most common tumor among the male population in our country, where 22,000 new cases are detected each year.

Although, in general, it can be considered a tumor of more advanced ages, the truth is that it can affect any man. Prevention is the best way to deal with it and thus provide the body with the necessary antioxidants. To do so, we can resort to sports, not drinking alcohol, avoiding tobacco and eating healthy food.

It is precisely on the latter that a recent study by the University of California San Francisco focuses, according to which a diet rich in vegetable fats and a lower consumption of animal fats may favor recovery from the disease.

Rich in lycopene

In addition to a healthy and balanced diet, there are specific foods that should not be missing when it comes to preventing this type of cancer, such as tomatoes, carrots, beets and papaya, among others. All these foods have high amounts of lycopene, a vegetable pigment that provides that characteristic color and at the same time is the substance that is responsible for protecting prostate cells.

Vegetables and legumes

Broccoli or cauliflower are also beneficial if we want to make a preventive diet. They are vegetables that contain sulforaphane, a substance that blocks the growth of cancer cells without causing damage to normal prostate tissue.

Legumes are another food group to consider in testosterone reduction. Especially soybeans, since they contain isoflavones that help prevent prostate enlargement and thus reduce the risk of cancer.