Cannabis remains the most abused drug and the emergence of designer drugs increases

A recent report on drugs prepared by the UN has left some worrying data. Surely the most serious is that the appearance of designer drugs has increased, from 166 in 2009 to 251 in mid-2012. In addition, these substances have a low risk perception by young people and are easily accessible, including through the Internet.

Regarding drug use in general, the UN report notes that cannabis continues to be the most widely used drug. In reference to heroin consumption, it has decreased in Europe, although in the case of cocaine, an increase has been detected in Latin America.

If we look at the countries by producers of these illegal substances, Afghanistan continues to remain the largest producer of cocaine in the world, with 75% of this drug originating in Afghan fields. And it seems that this trend will continue, as the amount of land under opium cultivation in this territory has also increased. In Mexico, the area under illegal cultivation has also increased by 181%.

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