Chemical castration for rapists, is it effective?

The release of the man known as the second rapist of l’eixample has put the debate back on the street: can a rapist be reinserted? Is chemical castration (with drugs) enough to put an end to his sexual desire or is it better to opt for surgical castration?

Dr. Viladoms, an expert andrologist and urologist, reminded us that “chemical castration acts while it is being administered” but that “when the treatment is stopped, androgens return to normal”. On the other hand, “surgical castration consists of the removal of the testicular tissue that secretes male hormones and is definitive”, clarified Dr. Viladoms.

It is worth remembering that Alejandro Martínez Singul, the second rapist of l’eixample has been a particularly striking case given the history of the already express: convicted in 1993 for 10 rapes and four attempts of abuse of minors between 10 and 15 years old, for all this he was sentenced to 65 years in prison of which he served 16, the maximum sentence. A year later he was arrested for indecent exposure in front of a schoolgirl in Perpignan and served 9 months in a French prison. He has now been released again after serving his last sentence of 3 years, in this last case for attempting to abuse a 12-year-old girl.

Effects of chemical castration

In order to prevent him from committing more abuses and rapes, Martínez Singul has undergone chemical castration, which is effective “as long as the drugs are being administered”, insisted Dr. Viladoms, who also explained that this treatment “inhibits sexual desire, the ability to become aroused, fantasies and sexual dreams”. Apart from chemical castration, the second rapist of l’eixample has undergone a psychosocial program. For Dr. Viladoms, “psychological therapy helps the patient’s reintegration and improvement” but is not related to the effectiveness of castration.

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The fact that the second rapist of l’eixample is back in freedom despite the several occasions on which he has reoffended has put the spotlight on the effectiveness of chemical castration, since if the subject stops taking it, sexual desire returns. Doctors have warned actively and passively, but the debate continues.

More information on this case in the newspaper El País