Insomnia is a very common disorder today. In fact, it is estimated that around 35% of the world’s population has suffered from it at some time. Dr. Javier Brualla Coll, specialist in Clinical Neurophysiology at Top Doctors, explains on World Sleep Day how important it is to bear in mind that, when talking about insomnia, it should be considered a disorder that affects 24 hours a day and not only during the hours of sleep, as is often believed.

Insomnia directly affects the patient’s physical and emotional state, diminishing his or her alertness and hindering all the activities performed during wakefulness. Initially, patients who suffer from insomnia feel a lack of concentration, memory loss or difficulty in carrying out daily tasks. Faced with these symptoms, Dr. Brualla recommends consulting a neurophysiologist to solve the problem.

Insomnia and health problems

Often, sleep disorders lead to health problems of greater relevance, presenting a higher incidence in cerebrovascular, cardiovascular and diabetic diseases, and even in some psychiatric disorders such as anxiety or depression.

Treatment of insomnia

Dr. Brualla points out that most cases of insomnia require a treatment that combines pharmacological measures and cognitive-behavioral therapies on an individualized basis. It is in these cases when a better result is achieved and the patient is able to get back to sleep and rest.

It is important to emphasize that sleeping better does not only mean having a better rest, but also achieving a better quality of life and future health.