Pregnancy and Heat: How to Survive High Summer Temperatures

Pregnancy experts review measures to be taken into account so that expectant mothers and their fetuses do not suffer any shocks during the summer.

Overcoming the heat during the summer months can be complicated. Even more so for pregnant women, since along with the elderly and children, they are the group most vulnerable to heat waves.

That’s why the experts at Top Doctors®, the leading digital company in identifying top doctors and medical centers, review the needs and measures to take into account to get through the summer without any shocks at home or during a vacation trip.

How does heat affect pregnancy?

Fluid retention, swelling or insomnia problems are some of the disorders that pregnant women may suffer, especially in the final stretch of pregnancy. The heat causes the blood vessels to constrict and, therefore, a slight swelling of the body, especially in the lower extremities. In addition, fluid retention increases the feeling of heaviness and tiredness. Therefore, during the summer months, extreme precautions must be taken to avoid running any kind of risk, as the heat can cause premature births or weight loss in the fetus. As preventive measures, Top Doctors’ experts recommend:

  1. Wear cool cotton clothing that does not fit too tightly to the body.
  2. Avoid being outdoors during the central hours of the day.
  3. Do not be in areas with large concentrations of people.
  4. Wear comfortable shoes and do not spend too many hours on your feet.
  5. Drink water and products with diuretic properties.

Traveling while pregnant?

It is common for expectant mothers to have doubts about whether it is convenient to travel during pregnancy, but experts assure that there is no problem as long as certain precautionary measures are taken. It is advisable to have a medical check-up prior to the trip, to confirm that traveling does not pose any risk to either the mother or the fetus. If the trip is to be made by car, it is advisable to take breaks of about 15 minutes every 2 hours to stretch the legs and thus reduce possible circulation problems that may arise from sitting for a long time, such as thrombosis. If, on the other hand, the destination requires traveling by plane, it is preferable not to spend too many hours flying, and as in the case of the car, to avoid circulation problems it is advisable to take short walks along the aisle of the plane from time to time.

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Topless during the months of pregnancy?

The hormonal changes that take place during the entire gestation period are also manifested in the skin, and this can be accentuated by prolonged exposure to the sun during the summer months. The skin of the breast, already more sensitive than the rest of the body, becomes even more delicate during pregnancy, so topless is not at all advisable. “If it can be avoided, it is preferable not to go topless during pregnancy,” says the doctor. “The growth of the mammary gland leads to increased sagging and excess sun can affect the elastin fibers that increase the chances of stretch marks appearing.” To reduce the risk, it is advisable to avoid direct exposure to the sun and to keep the area well hydrated.

What foods and drinks are most recommended for pregnant women during the summer?

Moderate exercise, such as taking a walk, before meals helps to whet the appetite. In addition, the Breastfeeding Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) recommends eating 5 times a day and eating a varied diet that includes all types of food with a minimum daily intake of 1800 calories. In summer, vegetables and seasonal fruits (in the form of salads, cold soups, fruit salad, fruit salad, juices, smoothies or whole pieces) are the great allies for pregnant women. On the other hand, sugary soft drinks and stimulating beverages (colas, coffee, tea) should be avoided, and of course alcoholic beverages are contraindicated. It is also advisable to reduce salt consumption, but not to eliminate it completely, as the iodine it contains is beneficial for the development of the fetus.