Comprehensive Breast Cancer Support Program of the Institute of Medicine EGR

It is essential for women to undergo regular screenings in order to detect possible breast cancer early. An early diagnosis means almost 100% chance of cure.

The protocol followed at the EGR Institute of Medicine, a member of Top Doctors, is carried out according to the age, history or symptoms of each patient.

Diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer

If any lesion is detected in the tests, the gynecologist will request other complementary tests in order to make a differentiated diagnosis.

Once all the tests have been performed, the treatment to be followed will be considered. Surgery is the most frequent technique in the case of breast cancer detected in early stages.

Breast surgery specialists will decide the type of procedure to follow in each case:

  • Conservative surgery: lumpectomy or quadrantectomy.
  • Radical surgery: mastectomy.

In all cases, before proceeding to perform a lymphadenectomy, the possibility of using the technique of GANGLIO CENTINELA, selective biopsy of the axillary lymph nodes, will always be considered.

Reconstructive plastic surgery of breast cancer

After a mastectomy, radical surgery, the patient is informed of the possibility of breast reconstruction. There are two types of breast reconstruction: immediate or delayed.

Breast reconstruction is an important emotional support to cope with the disease, to improve the image, avoids the need to use prostheses and facilitates the social life of the patient. But it will be up to the patient to decide which decision to make.

To reconstruct the areola and nipple, a subsequent intervention can be performed or micropigmentation, which can be performed 6 months after reconstructive surgery.

Micropigmentation consists of giving color and shape to the areola and nipple of the breast once reconstructed, so that the personal image is recovered again, promoting self-esteem and self-confidence. It is performed by implanting hypoallergenic mineral pigments (iron oxide or titanium) in the basal layer of the epidermis. Unlike tattooing, micropigmentation is not permanent because it does not contain lead and is implanted in the most superficial part of the dermis. It usually lasts about 2 years.

In most cases, after surgery and rarely, before it, the patient must undergo a treatment of Medical Oncology, Radiotherapy or Radiosurgery.

The EGR Medicine Institute collaborates with the IMO Group in this aspect, for the decision of which treatment to apply at each moment.

On the other hand, from the Physiotherapy Department, a complete and multidisciplinary treatment is offered to try to avoid the appearance of the feared lymphedema.

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Breast cancer counseling

Nutritional advice

According to the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), 70% of cancers are preventable with proper nutrition, physical activity and healthy habits such as not smoking. Therefore, the role of nutrition begins in the prevention phase.

Nutrition during active cancer treatment has three fundamental objectives:

  1. Prevent or treat nutritional problems, such as loss of muscle and bone tissue.
  2. To reduce the side effects of cancer treatment and problems affecting nutrition.
  3. Helping the immune system to fight infections

In our Integral Support Program, from nutrition we offer you:

  • An initial consultation for anthropometric study, clinical and dietary history.
  • A nutritional program adapted to each case, taking into account the symptomatology of each treatment.
  • Revision according to needs in order to maintain the objectives to be achieved with the nutritional treatment.

Psychological counseling

Our objective is to help the patient to face the diagnosis of cancer, the initial shock and the emotional reactions that must be overcome progressively.

Aesthetic counseling

The objective is that the woman’s self-esteem is not diminished, that she does not feel different because she is suffering from breast cancer.

For this purpose, different aspects are taken into account:

  • Alopecia: hair loss is temporary, once the treatment is finished the hair grows back. The use of wigs is one of the most used and practical solutions. Scarves or turbans are another alternative to consider.
  • Changes in the skin: dehydration, sallow appearance or possible appearance of spots can be alleviated by specific treatments.
  • Loss or weakening of facial hair: eyebrows may disappear during cancer treatment. Through specific make-up techniques, we can help to make this change less noticeable.
  • In the case of mastectomy without reconstruction, the use of specific garments or appropriate prostheses should be considered.

In our Aesthetic Unit Ananké we offer a totally free advice for all these areas in which we can advise or direct to specialized establishments in each area. If required by the patient, we can follow up with facial and body techniques and advice, before, during and after the oncological treatment.

Preservation of fertility in breast cancer

Fertility preservation can be offered thanks to the technique of oocyte vitrification (or egg freezing), which can begin at any time during the menstrual cycle.

The oocyte vitrification treatment, which lasts between 10 and 15 days, has three phases:

  1. Stimulation of the ovaries
  2. Oocyte retrieval
  3. Oocyte vitrification

For more information you can consult our website.