Hearing loss, hearing impaired

It is especially accentuated when those affected are in a noisy environment.

Otolaryngology determines multiple causes for hearing loss. Usually there is a problem in the outer, middle or inner ear.

The pathologies of the outer ear and the middle ear cause transmission hypoacusis since the arrival of sound to the inner ear is hindered. In these cases, by increasing the amplitude of the sound, it is possible to hear comfortably.

Inner ear pathologies give rise to sensorineural hearing loss, which in addition to reducing hearing, cause a great inability to understand language, especially at times when there is background noise.

The great majority of sensorineural hearing losses have their origin in the inner ear, specifically in the organ of Corti. Those that have their origin in the auditory nerve, in the auditory pathway or in the cerebral cortex are exceptional.

Another interesting fact is that the great majority of sensorineural hearing losses have a genetic origin, that is to say, they are inherited and at the same time hereditary, here we include what we call presbycusis (hearing loss caused by age), the most frequent without a doubt.

The most frequent symptoms of hypoacusis are hearing loss, tinnitus and difficulty in understanding, although sometimes it can be accompanied by vertigo.

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