Invisible disease: the progression of chronic pain

One day, without warning, our body alerts us that something is wrong. We think that when we find the cause of the pain, the pain will go away, but this is not always the case. When a pain persists for weeks, it is considered acute pain. However, when the pain lasts for more than 3 months and disturbs our daily routine, we are dealing with chronic pain.

Chronic pain generates discomfort and damage that affects all aspects of life.

Regardless of the cause, chronic pain affects all facets of our life, so it is important to approach it from a multidisciplinary perspective. Depending on the origin or causes, it can be treated with medications, infiltrations, physiotherapy or others. At this point, the question many people ask themselves is: What is the cause of chronic pain? The truth is that it is not always easy to detect the origin of the pain, since the causes can be provoked by damaged nerves without the need for something to go wrong in our organism.

The critical point of chronic pain is that it can lead the sufferer to depression, since in most cases the pain interferes with normal social and physical activities.

How to detect it?

In addition to paying attention to the time (remember that it lasts for more than 3 months), you should also pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Mild to very severe pain that does not go away.
  • Tenderness or stiffness.
  • Constant or burning, stabbing pain.
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There are several pathologies that can give rise to chronic pain, but among the most common are osteoarticular pathologies.

How to live with chronic pain?

The discomfort is recurrent and we can become desperate if we do not find a solution to the pain. For this reason, it is important to adopt healthy eating and living guidelines that help us to live with pain and alleviate it as much as possible. Among others, it is recommended to: lead a healthy life, avoid gaining weight, maintain a balanced diet and exercise daily. Remember that taking care of your health is the best preventive medicine.