Losing weight beyond dieting

In general, an inadequate diet and a sedentary lifestyle are usually the causes of overweight and obesity. But it should not be forgotten that there are other factors that can lead to obesity, such as suffering from endocrine-metabolic diseases like insulin resistance, suffering from endocrine deficiencies like hypothyroidism or experiencing the side effects of corticosteroids, antidepressants or anti-inflammatory drugs can cause an increase in body weight.

Therefore, when a person with obesity does not manage to lose weight either by following a healthy diet or by doing physical exercise, it is time to assess the possible existence of other health problems, since each case of overweight and obesity should be analyzed individually to know the genetic and fisiopathological background of the patient. These antecedents will be the ones that will finally guide the appropriate treatment. For one patient it may be useful and beneficial to follow a protein diet while for another this same diet may be detrimental. The same happens with physical exercise, for some people aerobic exercise is convenient but for others muscle toning will be better and even a third group should not overdo it with exercise.


Among the population, in general, endocrinology as a medical specialty and what it is dedicated to is unknown. Simply put, endocrinology is the part of medicine that deals with the analysis of the glands of internal secretion and metabolic diseases. It also deals with nutrition and, therefore, with the biochemical, functional and therapeutic aspects of nutrition. It is therefore important to remember that the endocrinology specialist can help to personalize a weight loss treatment based on the performance of different tests. Although if the clinical history, blood work, impedance and other complementary tests are not sufficient, it is important to know that genetic testing can be of some use.