What is ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a disorder of neurobiological origin, with a high genetic component (80%) that is characterized by the presence of three main symptoms, such as:

– Attention deficit

– Motor and/or cognitive impulsivity

– Motor and/or vocal hyperactivity

How is ADHD diagnosed?

To date, there is no medical, psychological, pedagogical or other test that is conclusive in the diagnosis of ADHD. Nor is there any neuroimaging test (CT, MRI, X-rays …), or analysis of blood indicators, or psychological or pedagogical test, which alone can accurately determine the presence of the disorder.

For its detection, first of all, symptom localization questionnaires should be used, addressed to both parents and teachers, based on the diagnostic criteria mentioned above.

If sufficient symptoms are present, it is recommended to use complementary tests of different nature, such as: language tests, reading and writing batteries, psychomotor batteries, intellectual profile tests, selective and sustained attention tests, etcetera. A complete medical and neurological examination can also be performed to confirm that the child has the maximum evidence to confirm the presence of ADHD in any of its subtypes.

Symptoms of ADHD

If the patient is predominantly inattentive:

– Inattentive to detail and makes mistakes.

– Has difficulty sustaining attention in the activities he/she is engaged in

– Does not seem to listen and is self-absorbed.

– Does not follow instructions, does not complete tasks

– Has difficulty getting organized

– Avoids tasks that require continued concentration effort

– Forgets and loses things necessary for his/her activity

– Easily distracted by external stimuli

– Forgets daily tasks

If the patient is predominantly hyperactive:

– Presents restlessness, moves in the seat and finds it difficult to be in class at his desk.

– Stands up when he/she should be sitting down

– Runs and jumps around in inappropriate situations, especially in places where he/she should be waiting

– Has difficulty playing quietly

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– Is often excited, “like a motorcycle”.

– Talks excessively and also does so in situations when he/she should not

If the patient is predominantly impulsive:

– Responds before the end of the question

– Has difficulty keeping turn-taking in group activities

– Interrupts others in games, conversations, etc.

Is hyperactivity always present in ADHD?

No, always associating hyperactivity with ADHD is a serious error, but it is very frequent. In fact, many of the patients diagnosed with this disorder present symptoms of inattention but not hyperactivity.

There are three main subtypes of ADHD: predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive and combined (with the presence of indicators of both inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity). Therefore, not every person diagnosed with ADHD is hyperactive.

Treatment of ADHD

ADHD is a complex disorder in which organic, emotional, behavioral and educational elements are present. Therefore, this disorder requires a multidisciplinary approach for its correct diagnosis and treatment, including both psycho-pedagogical and pharmacological guidelines. It has been scientifically proven that the best results are obtained from the combination of both treatments.

The appropriate psycho-pedagogical treatment for these cases should include:

– Educational orientations and parent training

– Educational orientation and teacher training

– Direct intervention on the child:

– Awareness and self-reflection

– Behavior modification

– Improvement of affected pedagogical skills

– Cognitive stimulation

– Cognitive therapy

– Individualized school support

Regarding pharmacological treatment, pediatric professionals can point out that:

– At present, Spain has two groups of medications indicated for ADHD: stimulants (methylphenidate and lisdexamfetamine) and non-stimulants (atomoxetine).

– This treatment is safe and effective in 85% of cases, at the recommended doses.

– It has no relevant side effects

– Reduces the symptoms present in each case

– Improves the patient’s quality of life at all levels.

– Does not cause addiction or increase the risk of substance use.