What is the cause of the occurrence of colon cancer?

Cancer is caused by changes in the genes that our cells have, these genes are transmitted from parents to children. Several genetic factors have now been found that can increase the occurrence of colon cancer, but it is also unclear exactly how these factors can cause colon cancer.

Some genes help control when our cells grow, divide into new cells and die; Oncogenes are the ones that help cells stay alive and tumor suppressor genes are the ones that cause cells to die at the right time. Any defect in these genes would be causative in the origin of colorectal cancer.

Defects in these genes are inherited, hence the importance of testing to prevent or detect colorectal cancer in those families that have the disease in any of their members.

But in most cases of colorectal cancer, the changes in the genes that lead to cancer are acquired during a person’s lifetime rather than being inherited. There are risk factors (diet, smoking, etc.) that probably play a role in causing these acquired mutations, but so far it is not known what causes most of these mutations.

Risk factors for colon cancer

  • Age. The risk of developing colon and rectal cancer increases with age.
  • Sex. Men have a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer than women.
  • Family and hereditary history
  • Intestinal diseases such as IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease, colorectal adenomatous polyps) require a closer follow-up of patients, as well as patients who have already had a certain type of cancer such as ovarian-uterine cancer.
  • Race. Blacks have the highest rates of sporadic or non-hereditary colorectal cancer.
  • Physical inactivity and obesity. Those who are obese or have very low physical activity are more prone.
  • Diet. A varied diet with fiber decreases the risk just as abundant consumption of red meat increases it.
  • Smoking: Smokers have a higher risk of colorectal cancer.
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How does colon cancer manifest itself?

Keep in mind that the symptoms and signs of colorectal cancer are the same as those found in other extremely common non-cancerous diseases, such as hemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome. However, many people with colorectal cancer do not have symptoms until the disease is advanced, People with colorectal cancer may experience the following symptoms or signs.

  • Diarrhea or constipation: a feeling of not having a bowel movement properly.
  • Intense red or very dark red blood in the stool.
  • Stool that is more liquid than normal.
  • Abdominal discomfort such as severe and recurrent pain, gas, fullness and cramping.
  • Weight loss for no apparent reason.
  • Constant tiredness or fatigue.
  • Iron deficiency anemia for no apparent reason, i.e. low red blood cell count.

Prevention of colon cancer

The only way to prevent colorectal cancer is to detect it in time by performing early diagnostic tests, but some of these still involve a high risk, so they should be indicated by the family doctor or General Surgery specialist when they consider it appropriate in view of the risk factors already mentioned above.

Not only is it essential to lead a healthy life in terms of exercise, weight and diet, but other factors also play a role that only your doctor or specialist will be able to detect in each patient and recommend the most progressive routines.