What techniques does Assisted Reproduction use?

In Assisted Reproduction, different techniques are used to promote pregnancy in case there are fertility problems in the couple or for women facing motherhood individually.

Stimulation of follicular maturation

Also known as ovarian stimulation or ovulation induction, this is a technique used to administer medication to a woman so that her ovaries produce mature eggs.

Spontaneous cycle under ultrasound control

This is a technique used to study a woman’s ovulatory cycle, which also indicates which days are fertile.

Low-dose hormone-stimulated cycle

By means of ultrasound control, this technique attempts to achieve ovulation.

Embryo cryopreservation

The embryo cryopreservation technique has the objective of storing embryos, in the event that more embryos have been obtained than are needed for transfer.

In this sense, the embryos are frozen, so that the duration of storage will have no effect on the final outcome of the pregnancy.

Egg vitrification

This is one of the fertility preservation techniques that allows a woman’s reproductive capacity to be postponed, with the same possibilities as at the time of vitrification of the oocytes.

With this technique, women can reach maturity without affecting their ability to conceive in the future.

Intrauterine insemination

This technique consists of placing a semen sample inside the woman’s uterus. Intrauterine insemination can be performed at the same time as ovulation stimulation, because it allows better results to be obtained.

In Vitro Fertilization

In Vitro Fertilization allows the incubation in the laboratory of an egg and a sperm from each member of the couple to obtain an embryo.

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Once the embryo is obtained, the doctor places it inside the woman’s uterus to achieve its implantation and, consequently, result in pregnancy.

Intracytoplasmic Injection (ICSI)

ICSI has made it possible to successfully achieve pregnancy in couples diagnosed with severe male factor. To perform it, the male must provide a semen sample to extract and select the best sperm. These will be used to fertilize the oocytes.

Egg Donation

In women who do not produce quality eggs, the egg donation technique can be used.

Testicular biopsy

Testicular biopsy allows tissue samples from one or both testicles to be obtained to determine male fertility.


It is one of the basic studies of male fertility, which is used to determine the quantity, mobility and morphology of spermatozoa.

Sperm bank

The sperm bank is the place where donor sperm is stored to inseminate a woman who needs it when she wants to get pregnant.

Surrogate mother

Surrogacy, also known as surrogate motherhood, surrogate motherhood or surrogate motherhood, is a widespread practice whereby a woman agrees to gestate a baby for another person or couple. It is a process that involves numerous ethical, economic and legal complications, since it is prohibited in most countries, including Spain.

Preimplantation diagnosis (PGD)

PGD is the study of the DNA of embryos to select those that meet certain characteristics and eliminate those with congenital defects. It is performed in IVF treatments, before implanting the embryos in the uterus.