Pelvic Floor Impairment: How it affects quality of life

The muscles that close the lower part of the pelvis, such as the pelvic floor, pelvic floor or pelvic floor, have a great importance in the quality of life of women.

When these muscles are not in optimal condition, they cannot perform their function properly.

Functions of the pelvic floor

The pelvic floor has multiple functions:

  • It contributes to urinary, fecal and gas continence.
  • It favors the maintenance of the pelvic organs in place, preventing their descent, which could be the cause of genital prolapse.
  • Intervenes in the quality of orgasmic response.

Prevention of pelvic musculature deterioration.

There are several key stages in a woman’s life that are susceptible to deterioration of the pelvic musculature, such as pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, menopause or uncontrolled sporting activity.

To maintain an adequate quality of life, the condition of the pelvic floor muscles must be monitored by specialists in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Thus, problems such as dysfunctions or disorders of the type are avoided:

  • Urinary incontinence, fecal ….
  • prolapse or descent of the uterus or bladder…
  • alterations in the orgasmic response

Treatment of the deterioration of the pelvic musculature

A correct treatment of the deterioration of the pelvic musculature consists of the following steps:

  • Assessment of the pelvic floor muscular capacities in the following stages
    • Postpartum
    • Climacteric/menopause
    • Sports activity
    • Presence of symptomatology
    • Incontinence or weakness
  • Health education for the maintenance of muscle quality
  • Voiding diary analysis. In other words, keeping track of fluid intake-volume of urine-leakage.
  • Selective pelvic floor exercises
  • Hypopressive exercises
  • Personal indications for physical activity progression
  • Perineal and/or abdominal electrostimulation
  • Exposure and personal suitability of the latest generation equipment