Incontinence of urine in women

Incontinence can create insecurities and other psychological problems in women.

It occurs when there is pressure on the bladder due to overactivity of the muscle and is defined as an involuntary loss of urine that usually occurs when laughing, physical exertion and appears when the bladder is full.


  • When the pressure inside the bladder is higher than that of the urethra it may be due to an overactivity of the detrusor muscle.
  • Neurological problems.
  • Muscle and sphincter disorders.

How can it be prevented?

Through nutrition, especially by following the Mediterranean diet and by doing exercises that strengthen the muscles around the urethra and the pelvic floor. Prevention does not mean that the problem will be solved, but it does mean that its consequences can be reduced.

It is also advised to reduce the consumption of coffee, alcoholic beverages and spicy foods.

Types of incontinence:

Physical activity and movement may determine that one type of incontinence or another is more common, but there is also urge incontinence that causes the feeling of wanting to urinate continuously. In this case the problem is in the detrusor and can be due to two causes: motor or sensory.


Laser is the most appropriate and less aggressive treatment in cases of mild and moderate incontinence. These two types of incontinence are related to physical activity, weight bearing and coughing, among other daily activities. Before submitting the patient to treatment, it is advisable to carry out a clinical assessment where a diagnosis is made and it is determined if any previous study is necessary.

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From this point on, the cause of the incontinence can be determined and treatment can be started.

How does the laser work for incontinence?

It stimulates the pressure of the visicovaginal fibers and increases the collagen in the muscle fibers to provide greater tension and obtain more vaginal control. It is also advisable to accompany the laser treatment with exercises that help strengthen the vaginal muscles and work the sphincter to strengthen those muscles.

In addition, it is advisable to go to the bathroom every two or three hours to empty the bladder and not rush to fill it. Incontinence is different depending on age and if the woman has recently given birth the vaginal tissue is much more distended, so the result of the laser is more effective.

The use of surgery in cases where the detrusor does not close properly is a very new technique. This procedure must be performed with a stereoscopic device. There are some who have already started to apply this technique, but care must be taken.