Coronavirus: the theory of the fear of running out

Why are compulsive purchases being made in supermarkets?

On a psychological level we observe that fear is being generated, especially of the unknown. With the arrival of the Coronavirus, also called coronavirus, the authorities have asked people to stay at home for at least 15 days. That is when there is a concern to prepare for isolation and, above all, to make sure that there is no shortage of products.

Why is there an obsession with buying toilet paper?

Because it is a staple product. There is a psychological and economic theory called “Fear of Missing Out”, which means fear of running out. Toilet paper is a product that is always on our shopping list and we fear that, because we are last, we will run out.

It is a product that is very bulky and visible. When you are shopping, it is easy to see whether or not the person next to you has toilet paper. When they see that they have, they reproduce this behavior among those around them, and so on.

In addition, they will buy not one roll, but six or seven packs for fear of running out.

How can you deal with this situation emotionally?

Each person is different and it will depend entirely on his or her circumstances. You have to try, as far as possible, to keep a positive mind.

This is a temporary situation, we are not talking about a war. If you feel bad or need something, you will be able to seek help without problems and you will not run out of resources.

As for home confinement, it is essential to entertain yourself and do productive activities. Substitute the usual activities such as going for a run, a walk or a drink for others. It is very important to establish a routine: get up at a certain time, take a shower, eat… You have to make the most of your time.

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To what extent are you contributing to the general panic?

The media and social networks create a certain amount of social alarm. If a human being sees people running, the most normal thing is to start running as well.

On many occasions the messages we are receiving are not clear and encourage fear. The fact of waiting for institutional declarations and rules to be able to continue with your life causes uncertainty and forces you to stop your life in its tracks.

A period of adaptation is necessary so that society can calm down and resume its daily life.

How can we realize that we are being overtaken by the situation?

If you get overwhelmed and have to cry, it’s okay, it’s normal. As we have said before, unknown and uncertain situations provoke fear in us. But we must understand that it is healthy to be afraid; it creates a certain respect for the threat of the coronavirus and helps us to comply with the health recommendations imposed to combat it.

It is clear that we are talking about a relative fear, it should not get out of control. If we see that the situation is beyond our control, we should seek professional help. One way or another, there will continue to be professionals who continue to work, either by telephone or telematically.

In my case, being a psychologist, face-to-face visits are not recommended, but we have been able to replace them by telephone.

We must accept the situation and adapt to it. Take advantage of the time we have to do new things or even value all those things that have been taken away from us, such as walking, kissing, hugging. Or on the contrary, to realize all those irrelevant things in our life, such as massive consumerism.

It’s a good time to find yourself