Unit for the study and prevention of occupational diseases and medical expertise

There are currently a large number of diseases considered to be of occupational origin. This is a consequence of inhalation and/or contact of the skin and mucous membranes by agents present in multiple work environments. Occupational diseases can cause respiratory pathologies (Asthma, RADS Syndrome – Reactive Airway Dysfunction, Silicosis, Alveolitis, Pneumonitis) and skin pathologies (Urticaria, Dermatitis and Eczemas), being multiple industries and work environments that can trigger such pathologies. Some of them are: paint industry, textile, agriculture, livestock, meat and food industry, bakery, hairdressing, automotive, cleaning products, cosmetic industry, among others.

Occupational allergies or allergic diseases due to substances present in the work environment, in many cases are considered occupational diseases by our Social Security system. Currently, they are an important public health problem, both because of the consequences for the quality of life of those affected, and because of the economic repercussions generated by the loss of productivity of sick workers. The same applies to the expenses derived from their health care and the possible demands for significant economic surcharges, in the event that the worker contracts an occupational disease.

Once an Occupational Disease has already been established (whether respiratory or cutaneous, and especially in advanced stages), the only alternative for the adequate control of the affected worker’s symptoms will be the strict avoidance of the causal work environment. In many cases it will lead to situations of Permanent Disability, which may involve an economic surcharge for the company if an occupational contingency is concluded in the worker’s pathology. Being so important the consequences that can affect both the worker, the company and society, it is essential to know about these diseases, as well as the necessary measures for proper prevention.

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Through the Unit for the Study and Prevention of Occupational Diseases (hereinafter, UEPEP), specialists with extensive experience in the study of Occupational Diseases are available to the patient. The experts will be able to help and advise you, both to carry out a specific medical study, once the symptoms have manifested themselves, and to be able to carry out an adequate prevention. The earlier the diagnosis, the easier it will be to eradicate the disease.

In addition, the specialists integrated in the UEPEP also have extensive experience in expert activity for the preparation of reports and expert medical opinions and their ratification in court. The use of a specialized medical expert will guarantee the solvency of the medical arguments, in addition to helping a better understanding of the case by judges and lawyers, thus being able to minimize judicial decisions not based on medical and scientific evidence. The figure of the specialist medical expert should become relevant in all those judicial procedures of specific medical matters that are difficult to understand especially for judges, lawyers and physicians not specialized in the matters under discussion.