What tips can be followed to prevent dysphonia?

The causes of dysphonia are multiple, most of them benign. They range from inflammation of the larynx due to a cold or forced use of the voice to tumors, either benign or malignant.

How long can dysphonia last?

It is very variable. Normally in mild cases, due to inflammatory causes, it does not last more than a week. When there is already a lesion, such as a vocal cord polyp or dysphonia due to forced use of the voice, which ends up causing vocal nodules, it can last for months.

A rule that all otolaryngology specialists follow is that if a dysphonia lasts more than 15 days, the patient’s vocal cords must be seen. A telephone consultation is not enough. It is necessary to visualize the vocal cords by performing a fibro-laryngoscopy or direct laryngoscopy, as it could be a pre-cancerous lesion or even an already malignant lesion.

How can they be treated?

The treatments are multiple and range from medication, in cases of inflammatory character, to those in which the dysphonia is a consequence of reflux. Rehabilitation and speech therapy are also used, which is essential in the treatment of dysphonia due to vocal effort or abuse: dysphonia due to muscular tension, vocal nodules…

Finally, in some cases, it is necessary to reach surgical treatment in benign lesions: polyps, cysts or in some vocal nodules that have become chronic and do not respond to rehabilitation treatment. Undoubtedly, surgical treatment is essential in pre-cancerous or cancerous lesions.

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Can they be prevented?

Yes, the most important thing is good vocal hygiene:

  • Hydrate properly
  • Speak slowly, avoiding vocal efforts.
  • Do not smoke
  • Treat or avoid reflux

Today, with the use of masks, which are so uncomfortable, but so necessary, we must place special emphasis on hydration and slow speech in order to prevent the vocal cords from rubbing against each other.