Oral Diseases in Pregnancy

During the gestation period there are a series of changes in the pregnant woman’s body that may favor the appearance of dental or periodontal problems, so a timely oral diagnosis and treatment plan should be provided in order to avoid complications.

Dental specialists indicate that the best way to prevent these dental problems during pregnancy. Some tips to follow are:

  • Maintain proper dental hygiene more than ever.
  • Visit the dentist when you have the certainty of being pregnant, for a complete review and a good dental cleaning to remove plaque and tartar.
  • Repeat this visit in the second trimester of pregnancy.
  • Avoid X-rays as much as possible (only if absolutely necessary).

What are the most frequent oral pathologies?

The most common dental problems are:

  • Gingivitis: this is usually the most common. It is an inflammation of the gums that can cause them to bleed. This is due to the inflammation caused by the accumulation of bacterial plaque and the high concentration of hormones. It is important to control it so that it does not end up becoming periodontitis.
  • Teeth that move: Gingival inflammation can affect the tissues that hold the teeth in place, so it is easy for the patient to notice that they move.
  • Caries: During pregnancy there is more acidity in the mouth, these acids weaken the enamel. The decrease in the flow of saliva and the increase in food intake between meals also have an influence, which favors the appearance of cavities.